Friday, December 18, 2009

Plugging Along

This week has been crazy!!!! Keaton is enduring it well. We may not be posting every day this week but Keaton has kept up on his mile each day and continues to make better food choices. He is leaving for the weekend and will return to me on Christmas Eve (very sad). I am sure he will work hard with his dad. (HINT HINT STEPHEN....please work with him while in your care.)

Love you my baby!!


  1. Just got home from our little trip and got caught up on your progress. 2 1/2 pounds?! AWESOME!! I am so impressed! I really need to quit making excuses about the holidays and life being busy and get going!! Tomorrow is Sunday, but first thing Monday morning, whether I feel like it or not, I will be right there with you!!

  2. Hi Keaton and Tara, I was just blog surfing and found your blog. I hope you keep going with it, I felt very proud of you reading it.
